Extinction of Rs. 2,000
When was the last time you have seen Rs.2000 note ? If so, how many ? RBI introduced Rs. 2000 notes in 2016 for cash availability during demonetization and stopped printing them by the end of 2018. The recent RBI annual Report, states that, the volume of Rs. 2000 notes in circulation have been drastically felling from 3 lakhs in 2019 to 2 lakhs volume in 2021. They are trying to get back Rs, 2000 notes very desperately. All this time, it has been known by the public shortage of Rs, 2000 notes and started storing cash in terms of Rs. 2000 notes mostly. There are few articles on 2000 NOTES "The mystery of disappearing Rs. 2000 notes" and "Dying notes". Currently the value of Rs. 2000 notes in circulation are Rs. 17.3 Crores from Rs. 31.2 Crores in 2019. Value of 13.9 Crores value of Rs. 2000 notes have been sucked from the circulation. At the same time, Rs. 500 notes are at a growth phase of 19.8 lakh to 31.1 Lakh volume of Notes. This volume has been increased due to...