Generally, all companies invest a lot of money on advertisements. Through these investments, many companies get outcome results only less than what they expected. In modern fast-changing world, this investment in advertisement has rapidly grown

In this modern world to advertise a product is not important, but to advertise a product in a group of people who use such products a lot.

As they are spending money on advertising their product on television, newspapers, magazines, and online social website, if they invest 10% of the amount in the free distribution of their product complimentary product. such complementary products should be able to carry outside and it makes advertisements through customers.

A new customer easily get attracted and purchase the product through his neighbors who carrying such product by knowing the information very much from the previously purchased customers.

A new customer believes information what the person who using has said more than any advertisement than in any other form of media.

clearly, we can understand by the following example.

EXAMPLE: -In case water purifier companies it should distribute water bottles with their logo printed on water bottles.

In the first phase, it should give simple bottles at free of cost at some crowded area, where people gather more, such as a sports stadium, movie theatres, etc..,

In the next phase, the company should give a minimum of four bottles with the company logo for one product of the water purifier purchased.

Here advertise begins now:-
If two children are there in a house, they carry such bottles to schools and indirectly advertise company products.
If any employee is there in a house, the advertisement begins at his/her office.
In the coming future, it can innovate in advertising a product, it can distribute copper bottles to its customers.
The here most important thing is " How if a new customer wants to know about a product ?' This information will be passed by a current existing customer to new customers.

In general, every company spend nearly (7-10) % of annual

Through company will not get an effect on expenditure because they are spending only 2% of their advertisement expenditure, in this way.


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